A role playing game that brings people together.
The game will commence on Monday, January 27 at 10:30PM and conclude on Saturday, February 1 at 5:00PM.
The Kingdom with the most points will be titled the Patron Kingdom of Dentonia.
Point total:
Curata Niss: 598 points
Safe House: 1100 Cleveland Street
Florin: 534 points
Safe House: 1317 Springcreek Dr
Novalux: 491 points
Safe House: 1219 Ector St.
Albion: 356 points
Safe House: 4504 Napa Valley Dr.
Dragone: 349 points
Safe House: 3512 Chasemoor Dr
Crown and Conquer:
The five Kingdoms of Dentonia were once at peace, but no more. For a time, they all gathered together in the center of their land. They worked together, all for the good of one another, but the peace has been fractured and now the outer domains of the land must be claimed once again. Each area has grown wild, and will require a different set of skills to conquer it, and the race is on, for only one Kingdom can conquer each domain. It will take many sets of skills to accomplish the great task set before them, and the question to be answered remains: who will conquer these domains and claim the crown?
Points will be updated each morning at 8AM. The details of each night’s quest will be released at 12PM each day. Quests will begin at 7PM. Any other communication will be sent to the Monarchs of each kingdom.
The journey ahead will take each of the five Kingdoms into unclaimed territory abandoned long ago. This wilderness has not been without travelers, however, and along the way, you will find places of respite, Waystations, to rest and perhaps even encounter a friendly face. These Waystations may be near or far, but finding each one may be the key to conquering the unchecked lands beyond.
Each morning, Tuesday-Friday at 8AM, five locations will be released. Kingdoms must go to each one and submit a photo at the location to the GroupMe. Photos must include at least 3 active members of your kingdom.
Point Value: 25 points for each photo
Bonus: 10 points if the photo includes your kingdom’s flag
Bonus: 10 points for completing each set
Bonus: 5 points for ordering a barista’s favorite drink (photo must include the barista and the drink)
Bonus: 5 points if the photo features a “friend of Chi Alpha” (these may include alumni, former staff members, staff and students of other Chi Alphas, pastors we have visited for Chi Alpha events, or other people connected to Chi Alpha. It does not include current XADenton students and staff)
Timeline: Friday at 6PM
Tuesday: Sweetwaters (Teasley Ln), Farmhouse (Homestead Way), Crude Craft (Main St), Mudleaf (Indepence Pkwy), Sovereign (Sunshine Strip)
Wednesday: Record (McKinney St), Liberation (FM 2181), Wayward (Irving Blvd), Filtered (Louisiana St), Onyx (Gregg Ave)
Thursday: West Oak (W. Oak St), Kimzey’s (US-377), The Perc (W. Main St), Lemma (Dallas Pkwy), Mozart’s (Lake Austin Blvd), Lamppost (Stagecoach Trail)
Friday: Avoca (Fort Worth Dr), Zera (McKinney St), Cultivar (Peavy Rd), Rio Dulce (Houston St), Collective (Taft Blvd)
#8: The King’s Quest-
The divided kingdoms of greater Dentonia have labored in battle to conquer the land and at last receive their glorious prize, the Crown! But the Crown has been lost and must be recovered. Only the bravest and most honorable of kingdoms will be able to find it and even then, they must be found worthy. A final quest must unfold- find the Crown and prove yourselves! But be wary, the path will not be easy as other kingdoms will stand in your way.
The King’s Quest will take place Saturday and will involve a series of challenges that may cause you to travel across the DFW metroplex. All players must wear prominent kingdom colors in order to earn points.
Players should arrive at Victory Hill by DATCU Stadium by 9 am to present their sleds and complete the “Onward!” quest.
A brief overview of the King’s Quest will be given at The Hill once the “Onward!” quest is complete and details on the tagging feature of the game will be discussed.
The King’s Quest will launch at 9:45 am with your first challenge, another challenge will take place at 12:15 in the form of a relay race involving 4 members of your kingdom, and a final challenge will be released after the mid-day challenge. Kingdoms will have multiple avenues to earn points, both in challenges and in tagging, giving a chance for as many players as possible to participate throughout the day. Again, players must be wearing their kingdom’s colors in order to earn points for challenges or tagging.
Tagging Guidelines
All registered players will be eligible to tag or be tagged during the King’s Quest (approximately 9:45 am- 4:30 pm). Tags are only valid when a white plastic spoon is used. The spoon should remain in the player’s hand for the tag to be valid and must make clear contact with the tagged person.
A "Knight" is worth 5 points. And a "Monarch" is worth 15 points. Each Kingdom will have one Monarch and an unlimited number of Knights based on however many choose to align with each Kingdom.
Once a player has been tagged by an individual from an opposing Kingdom, they are no longer capable of tagging any other opposing players. However, tagged players are able to contribute to the completion of quests.
All participants are protected from being tagged in the following places.
Inside an active classroom. (Buildings are not safe, only classrooms when class is in session.)
At work. (Also safe in route to work, but not safe once player has left work)
University residence hall wings. (Only the corridors to the dorm rooms. Common areas, lobbies, and cafeterias are not safe)
Safe Houses/Castles: on the grounds and the front parking lot of all castles are safe for your kingdom. Castles will be listed online.
All other homes are not safe unless you are inside your own home/apartment unit. If you cross the threshold of the doorway with any part of your body you are no longer considered safe.
Any other space as determined by the game-maker as needed.
SCORING for Tags: If you complete a tag of an opposing player, or if you are tagged by an opposing player, you must immediately notify your monarch. Tags must be confirmed by both Kingdoms. Points will be totaled at the end of each day.
The Kingdom Monarch is responsible for all questions, disputes, or concerns.
Point Value: points are awarded for tagging and completing challenges.
Timeline: Saturday following the completion of the Onward! quest until 4:30 pm.
The King’s Quest- Assembly Saga
Your quest to find the Crown of the true Monarch of Dentonia begins now! But one last effort to conquer the land is needed to secure your intel.
This begins the Assembly Saga.
There are many Assembly of God churches in the DFW Metroplex, to conquer as much land as possible your kingdom must find and take a photo with as many Assemblies of God Churches as possible. Photos must include 3 players wearing kingdom colors and the sign for the church must be visible in the photo. Photos must be labeled with church name and address. Create a Google Drive album for all photos and share with
Point Value: 10 points per photo that meets all minimum criteria
Bonus: 5 points per photo if 60% of the kingdom is shown in the photo
Bonus: 5 points per photo that features the kingdom’s flag
Timeline: Saturday 9:45am-4:30 pm
The King’s quest- The Relay Saga
While your kingdom has been fighting to prove its might, now is the time to prove your cleverness and tact. Test your skills in a relay race, but be warned players will not only need to be fast, they will need to be graceful. Remember to bring your coin purse and all 6 coins with golden glaze. You’ll need them to find answers to the Crown’s location this afternoon. As for the location of this Saga? Look back through these instructions and discover what 3 words give you the clue you need. ///
Kingdoms should arrive for the relay race at 12:15 pm.
Discover the location of the race using the hidden message above.
4 players are needed to complete the race.
Details of the race and bonus points will be revealed on location.
Tagging will not be permitted during the relay race.
The King’s quest- The Secret Keepers Saga
News of the Crown’s location has shifted throughout the land, but you must gather the intel for yourselves. The hidden kingdom of Eladrin is full of secrets, but 6 secret keepers are willing to share….for a price. Find the last whereabouts of the Secret Keepers and discover the true identity of those who hold precious information on the crown. Be cautious, not all of those suspected of crimes against the Crown are actually involved. You must discover who the real Secret Keepers are. And one more thing, brave warriors, these Secret Keepers are skittish and their livelihoods are at stake so attempting to contact them beforehand will blow your cover and compromise your quest. You must remain discrete in your search for them and ultimately, the Crown!
You will be given a list of clues leading to the last known location of the Secret Keepers. These location markers will get you to the correct building, but you must find the Secret Keepers on your own.
You will also be given a clue to 13 possible identities. Only 6 are actual Secret Keepers.
When you find a Secret Keeper, present them with a coin and document the occasion by taking a photo. The photo must feature the Secret Keeper and at least 3 family members.
Create a folder in google drive titled with your Kingdom’s name and “Secret Keepers” and share with When all 6 Secret Keepers are confirmed, you will be given the clue to the Crown’s location and your final challenge.
Points are awarded to all Kingdoms who find the crown by the deadline- 100
Bonus Points for 1st- 20
Bonus Points for 2nd -15
Bonus Points for 3rd -10
Bonus Points for 4th- 5
#7: Capture the Flag
Once again, the kingdoms of Dentonia have found themselves together. This time, it is not in peace that they gather. One domain has yet to be claimed, and now each kingdom must fight to capture the land before the others. The land is wild, the kingdoms unpredictable, but one will stand victorious before the night is done.
You will play in teams of five for Capture the Flag. There will be three rounds, each 20 minutes long, and “coins” will be awarded within the game for maintaining control of your flag, taking control of another team’s flag, and for getting other players out of the game. Coins will not count toward your overall score, but will be used to keep track over the course of the three rounds.
The game will take place at 7PM at Lifeline Church. Point values will be revealed on site.
Point Value: x points to any kingdom that participates
Bonus: x points to the kingdom that has the most coins at the end of 3 rounds
Bonus: x points for getting at least 10 opposing players out
Timeline: Friday at 7PM
#6: Sweet Victory
In the midst of a great journey, there is little that brings comfort like a meal that feels like home, and even more so if it’s sweet. Empty for generations, the lands the kingdoms now travel to are untamed and lack identity. There is nothing to bring a sense of home or hope to the wilderness. As the kingdoms find themselves traveling to these distant domains, even a simple dessert could make all the difference, a reminder of what they left behind and what they are fighting for.
Each kingdom must create a dessert fashioned to look like a crown. Desserts must contain at least 3 ingredients, must be edible, and must be able to provide 3 servings for taste testing by our evaluation panel. Desserts must be brought to the location sent to the Monarchs by 7PM, and all members of all kingdoms are invited to attend.
Point values will be revealed at 7PM.
Point value: 40 points for adhering to all guidelines
Bonus: 5 points for the Best Tasting dessert
Bonus: 5 points for the Best presentation
Bonus: 10 points for including your kingdom’s color
#5:The Book of Life
Well known to each kingdom is a sacred text, a book which holds answers to many questions. And now, that book is needed more than ever. In a domain ruled by confusion, the clarity held within this book is vital. In a domain that has become murky and difficult to navigate, there is great need for the light this book can provide. Each kingdom must make the most of it, and use this book to conquer the challenge set before them.
A list of clues will be provided to help you find various objects. Solve the clues and discover how you will locate the objects. Submit a photo as proof that you found it! Photos must include at least 3 active members of your kingdom and be labeled to show which clue they are for. Photos should be uploaded to a Google Drive folder that is shared with the Game-maker.
The list of clues and point values will be posted at 7pm.
You will have until 9 pm to submit as many photos documenting your answers as possible.
Psalm 1:3 - Does not wither
Matthew 21:2- to be untied
John 15:5 - What is God?
Revelation 1:10 - What is the loud voice compared to?
Jonah 4:7 - What did God send?
Genesis 37:3 -What did Joseph receive?
Exodus 3:8 -What is the land flowing with?
Psalm 23:5- Used to anoint
Hebrews 4:12 -What is scripture?
Mark 11:23- What can be thrown into the sea?
1 Samuel 17:49 -David’s weapon
Genesis 19:26- What does Lot’s wife turn into?
Genesis 9:13 - Symbol of God’s covenant with His people
Leviticus 2:1- What do you use in the grain offering?
Matthew 25:1- The light
Mark 11:15 -What did Jesus flip?
Matthew 7:13- an entrance
Matthew 3:16- What is the Holy Spirit like?
Genesis 24:67- What did Isaac bring Rebekah into?
Ecclesiastes 4:12- What does not easily break?
Acts 7:33- What needs to come off?
Genesis 11:3- Make sure this is baked well
Nahum 1:6 - Wrath is like
Exodus 8:7- What did the magicians make?
Exodus 25:10- What is the Ark made out of?
Ezekiel 17:3- What was made with broad wings and long feathers?
Ezekiel 47:9- What will be in large quantities?
Luke 8:5- What did the farmer go to plant?
Luke 9:15- The king crowned the servant who had given him what?
John 19:17- Jesus carried his own
Ephesians 1:23- What is God’s body?
1 Peter 5:4- What will you receive?
Luke 5:3- What does Jesus get into?
Luke 6:4- What did Jesus enter?
Revelation 13:2- What did it have the mouth of?
Matthew 4:3 - What does the Devil tell Jesus to turn rocks into?
Genesis 43:11 - What type of nuts are they told to get?
Exodus 35:22 - What is the first item listed that they gave to God?
Hebrews 6:19 - What is hope compared to?
John 21:6 - What did they use to catch fish?
Point Value: 2 points are awarded for every clue that is correctly solved
Bonus: 10 points for solving all clues
Bonus: 10 points if 60% of your kingdom is featured in the photos
Bonus: 10 points if your family color is featured in every photo
Timeline: Tuesday at 7PM-9PM
The values of a kingdom are perhaps the most important thing about it, and this is shown best by the people who live in it. Every kingdom has a story to tell and values to share, communicated most clearly by the members who make up the kingdom. But how the people tell these values will vary, depending on the kingdom. Now is the time for these values to be shared, as the kingdoms go out to take new land. How will your story be told?
Families must create a live performance/presentation that communicates the values of the Kingdom. Presentations include, but are not limited to, original songs, human videos, spoken word, stand up comedy, and skits. Presentations should not exceed 5 minutes.
Point Value: 30 points for your presentation
Bonus: 10 points if all content is original
Bonus: 10 points if 60% of your kingdom participates
Timeline: Thursday at 7PM
#3: Onward!
A kingdom’s strength can be measured by the strength of what drives it. A crucial piece of any kingdom is the chariot that brings it to new lands. Having been gathered together in the center of Dentonia for many years, the five Kingdoms have had no need for these chariots. Now, as they go to explore the unexplored, they find need for them once again, and must construct one to carry them in their journeys.
Each kingdom must construct a “chariot” (aka a sled) capable of carrying one member of their kingdom down a grassy hill. Chariots should be hand-crafted, and will be part of a race on Saturday morning.
Point Value: 30 points for constructing a chariot
Bonus: 10 points if your chariot remains intact
Bonus: 10 points for the chariot that travels the farthest distance
Bonus: 10 points for including your kingdom’s color in the decoration of your chariot
Bonus: 5 points for most creative design
Timeline: Saturday at 9AM
#2: Doppelgangers
In every land you might encounter, you are likely to find certain commonalities. Similar kinds of people, mannerisms common to a generation, language that has developed and traveled with its speakers. One of the most common is architecture. In cities and towns far and wide, one can find buildings that share a layout, a color, a style, so much so, that familiarity can be found even where one has never been.
On each campus, there are buildings and landmarks that share common features or roles. Each kingdom must find the matching landmarks on each campus and submit a photo with the landmark and at least 3 members of their kingdom. Photos must be submitted in pairs and labeled. Upload to a Google Drive folder that is shared with the Game-maker.
Kingdoms must locate:
Admin Building
Tallest building on Campus
Oldest building on campus
Fiction/Children’s Section of Library
Newest Dorm
Science Building
Mascot statue/current or former
Point Value: 40 points for a completed album
Bonus: 10 points if your kingdom’s flag is in all photos
Bonus: 10 points if members are wearing your kingdom’s colors in all photos
Timeline: Saturday at 8PM
#1: The Kingdom Chronicle
Every kingdom has a story to tell, and be told it must. This quest to reclaim the lost lands must be documented, the story to be passed down to the next generation, lest the land be lost once again. This generation must take careful note of the journey they now embark upon, so that others may know what it takes to fight for what was once lost. So that in the future to come, others may know the voices of those who came before them.
Each night, share a video detailing the day’s events from the perspective of your kingdom. Video must be 1-2 minutes long, be filmed in landscape format, and include actual footage from the day. It may also include a verbal recap of the day’s events or photos. Videos should be shared in the GroupMe AND in a Google Drive folder that is shared with the Game-maker.
Point Value: 50 points for each day’s video.
Bonus: 10 points if 80% of your kingdom is featured by the end of the week.
Timeline: Saturday at 8PM
Objective: To rally with others in your Kingdom through collaboration and strategy to accumulate points for your Kingdom. The Kingdom with the most points after the week is through becomes the Patron Kingdom of Dentonia, the Kingdom to lead the others.
Game Date: Monday, January 27th following service until Saturday, February 1st.
Names of Kingdoms: Albion, Dragone, Curata Niss, Florin, Novalux
The game begins with the assembly of each Kingdom consisting of one Monarch and an unlimited number of knights.
POINTS: Throughout the course of the game, each Kingdom will earn points by completing quests posted on this site.
QUESTS: Quests will be posted once per day. Details will be posted at 12pm, and the quest will take place at 7pm. Any additional information will be given directly to Monarchs by the Game-maker as needed. In order for quests to be completed for points, at least 3 members of your Kingdom must be present, unless otherwise specified.
SCORING: Point values are specific to each quest, and bonuses may be available. Score totals will be updated by the Game-maker at 8am each day, with the last update on Friday.
Players will need to regularly access these platforms to access gameplay details. will provide instructions for quests and point totals each day.
GroupMe will be used for photo submissions and kingdom communication. Players may be added by any member of the group.
Google Drive will also be used for photo submissions. All Google Drive submissions must be shared with